Monday, August 9, 2010

All's Quiet on the Western Front

Today was a a very quiet day. After the absolute insanity of last week, which was the first week of the month, today seemed like bliss. It amazes me how packed the lower income area pharmacies get during the first week of the month. The crazier thing is how everyone acts when they come into the pharmacy. I think there is a very simple explanation for this...

Pack mentality.

No I am not calling poor people dogs! Rather, I am saying that when the first of the month comes around and the Medicaid population gets their monthly checks and other benefits they feel the need to use it (like the rest of us who await payday before making a purchase). Therefore they rush to spend them and stock up on things they need (or want). Thus with all of the craziness people get upset and frustrated with each other, thus multiplying the animosity felt towards others. So who to take it out on? Well when they come to a place to pick up something they need/want and are told it may take an hour or two to get it, it is understandable as to why they get upset.

The pharmacy counter is unfortunately a good place for this. Patients come from the doctor and waiting up to a month or more to get an appointment (some having just got their new health insurance for the month). Then they wait again to tell someone (or worse yet have the other person tell them) what is wrong with them. Then they leave and in the process of going to pick up their prescription have to wait again. Honestly, THIS is white coat agitation (Ok and maybe hypertension, too).

Anyways, it goes without saying that I am glad this monthly cycle is over. Today was a very quiet day in which all but a couple of patients were actually pretty polite and were thankful for my help. One of those days it feels good to be a retail pharmacist and realize that despite all the frustrations we regularly deal with we are the most visited and accessible healthcare for the public. Especially good when most of the patients say thank you and give you a smile before leaving!

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